Tuesday, October 5, 2010

White Frames Submissions x 2

OIC had a casual mini art show at MAAD (Red Dot Museum) over the weekend and i contributed 4 b/w pencilled drawings to the show. Here are 2 of them in color.

First one is titled "Ghost Story" - I wanted to draw something with soldiers and skulls. I decided it seemed like a good idea for a military ghost story premise considering the stories I was told while doing my own National Service heh.
Will update with the rest of the illustrations later on!

Second one is "Dance in the Dark" - Nothing to the concept really. I was just really pumped from my last figure drawing session and wanted to do an imagined figure drawing piece showing an elegant dancer captured in various poses.I sketched a rough of the layout and added the blindfold as an afterthought. I had an idea that it would be beautiful to portray a dancer so confident with her skill and so familiar with her body that she could dance blind. That, and I have a penchant for using movie and song related titles :p

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